My Daily Writing: September 25th, 2015

From kindergarten to sixth, I had penmanship everyday, excluding the weekends. I would spend at least an hour a day writing. When I was kindergarten, I learned how to write print letters, both capital and lower case. As I became better and better at writing in print, I started switched over to writing everything in cursive. After mastering cursive letters, I began writing full sentences. I would copy off books and different chapters in the Bible.

To my knowledge, most, if not all, public school in the United States do not write in cursive letters anymore. I'm not sure why they don't anymore. It seems kind of unreasonable that they took it out of school curriculum. The whole new curriculum confuse me sometimes. I wonder whose decision it was to remove it, was it the governments? There are two reasons why I think schools should still teach cursive. First off, it can possible help a student improve academically. It's good for your brain, and known to help memory. Second, you will probably need it when you have to write your signature. Not knowing cursive, when writing your signature can pose as a huge problem

In my lower grades, I enjoy doing penmanship, but after that I always thought writing in cursive was more of a nuisance rather than actually helpful. Despite my feeling for cursive, I'm very glad that I was able to learn how to write in cursive. I don't use it much now, but if I ever needed it for say, a job, then it would be very convenient to have that skill. My cursive writing is not great, but I love the way it looks. It almost seems like an old way of writing. Speaking of old writing, the original Declaration of Independence was written in cursive, and many other important documents.

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