My Daily Writing: September 14th, 2015

I finally found an interesting writing prompt. It's a strange one. The question to write from is:

How would life change if all people on earth looked the same?

First and foremost, I think we would have trouble telling each other people apart. We would all probably dye our hair, have different clothing styles, or do our makeup different. However, we would still be better off getting something permanent that couldn't be easily removed or duplicated, such as a tattoo, but I guess even tattoos could be replicated. That would pose as a problem. Maybe we would all get a chip implanted in us at birth, so the authorities could tell us apart. Who knows?

It would be dangerous. I think that there would be a significant more amount of crimes. There would be crimes everywhere all the time, even more than we have now, which is quite a lot if you ask me. Criminals could easily frame their crimes on someone else. They could almost effortlessly make themselves look exactly like another person.

If we all looked the same we would probably get bored. There wouldn't be anything to compare attractiveness to if we all looked the same. We wouldn't know handsome from ugly, because we never knew the difference. Additionally, you know how some people when they're angry say they don't want to see your face anymore or right now? That my friend would be very hard to do. 

I'm so glad we don't all look the same or alike. Imagine insulting someone's appearance. If someone did that, they would basically be insulting all humanity including themselves. That would not end well at all. I'm glad we were all made different. We should accept our differences and be thankful for them, after all you know what it would be like if we all looked the same.

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1 comment:

  1. This is a great prompt and response. I just may have to use this myself. What a great think piece. ~Ms. A.


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