My Daily Writing: September 13th, 2015

I am now on my fifth blog/journal post. For some reason, I can't seem to find creative writing prompts that interest. There billions and billions of prompts out there, and I still can't find one. Possibly, because I'm not looking hard enough.

I thought today would be a good day to freewrite. I set my time for 15 minutes this time. I can't think of a subject to write on, so what better than to freewrite.

 I used to have a very vivid imagination. I would make up cray stories and tell them to people, and sometimes I would even include them as a character in the stories. I don't know where my imagination has gone. I don't know if it's still there anymore. It may be gone, because I have gotten older, or maybe for another reason. Many young children have wild imaginations I think.

I kind of miss being a kid. It was so easy. I was barely shy, and most people liked me, at least I thought they did. Now my personality is quite the opposite. I don't know if something happened in my life that I didn't know of that changed my personality or if I just matured.

Now I'm a pretty quiet person. No, I'm just kidding. The talkative part of me has not gone away. I guess I could say I'm shy. Sometimes I can't tell whether I'm an introvert or an extrovert. I guess I'm neither. What do they call it? An ambivert? Somebody told me that the difference from introversion and extroversion is how gain you energy from. Do you feel like you gain energy from being with people or not? I guess it varies. I gain energy from being with people I know and when I'm by myself. If I'm an ambivert then I am definitely a more introverted ambivert. If that makes any sense.

There are squiggly red lines under the words"ambivert". Maybe I'm spelling wrong, or maybe I just have mistaken that word for different word. That's the problem of freewriting. I can't just go find a dictionary, then get back to writing.

My fifteen minute are almost up. I'm really bad at conclusions. I know that they are supposed to summarize all the points you made or were trying to make, but I rarely ever know how to word it right.

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