What's Cooking: Wacky Cake Recipe

The Wacky Cake is one of my family's all time favorite chocolate cake recipes. This is a relatively simple recipe. Plus, it's moist, rich, and extremely delectable. All you would want in a scrumptious chocolate cake.I'm not sure where the Wacky Cake recipe originated, but whoever invented it is a genius. Some of you may wonder how Wacky Cake got it's name and I am more than pleased to tell you. The Wacky Cake has some "wacky" ingredients. The first strange ingredient is oil. However, many of you may not perceive this ingredient as strange, as it is a "common" substitute for butter. The second strange ingredient is vinegar. Before you say anything, I want to say that no, it does not make the cake taste like vinegar. I'm not exactly sure why vinegar is an ingredient, but I know it must have some importance. Without further ado, here is the recipe for Wacky Cake.

Formula to this mouth-watering delectable:
Dry Ingredients:
1 1/2 c. Flour
2 tsp. Baking Soda
1 c.Sugar 
1/4 c. Cocoa
3/4 tsp. Salt

Wet Ingredients:
1 c. Water
1/2 c. Oil
1 tbsp. Vinegar 
1 tsp Vanilla

Before starting I turn on some music. I preheat my oven at 177 celsius (350 Farenheit).  I turn the temperature changing knob, that's slightly cool to the touch, slightly in between 150 and 200, set to top and bottom burner, and turn the oven timer all the way around until it won't go anymore. I cane hear the quiet tick tick of the oven's timer.
I measure off all the dry ingredients leveling each ingredient with a butter knife. I start stirring my dry ingredient together being careful not to make the powder go everywhere. I strongly suggest wearing an apron if your kind of a klutz like I am. While leveling out the cocoa (that tastes horrible by itself that I know from experience), it somehow exploded back at me in a sweet brown cloud and got all over my clean blue shirt. By the way, I put an apron on after this tying the back string with both my hands into a sloppy bow.
 After gently stirring my powdered goodness up, I made it into a making a well shape, by packing the sides of the bowl with my wooden spoon , forming an almost a flower shape to the bowl. I then proceeded to add all my wet ingredients into the very center of the "well" I made, and stir my all my art up together. I would like to note that making a well for your wet ingredients is completely unnecessary, I just enjoy doing it because it makes baking a little more fun. If your on a time limit, you can add the ingredient in whatever order you with. It should turn out the exact same.
 By this time, my gooey mix is done, so I set it to the left side of my counter. Now for the preparing the pan. I take a nice round metal pan and pour a quarter-sized drop in the middle of my pan. I spread the oil all over the bottom and sides with my hand. If there is not enough oil to coat the sides, I will add a little more. Then, I quickly go to the sink and turn the faucet on cold water hearing the pshhh of water pouring at and wash my hands. After that is finished, put a small spoon of flour in the middle of my pan and hold it over the sink. Next, I start moving my pan from side to side banging my hand light on the side, much like panning for gold. Thus, coating every side with flour. I, then, throw out the excess flour.

 Then, I pour all the batter into my flour coated pan, scraping the sides with my spatula along the bowl so I get all of it. I set my timer for 20 minutes hearing 20 beeps simultaneously as I press the minute button. I open the oven feeling the warm air around my hands, and put my pan into the oven, trying my best not to burn my hands on the side of the scalding hot oven sides.

After my 20 minutes is up I hear my red and white timer's high pitched beeps go off, until I press the stop button. I open the oven feeling the heat and smell of chocolate cake pouring out of the oven. I stick a tooth pick through the middle of the cake to check if it's finished. The toothpick comes out clean, so I grab an oven mitt from my bottom drawer. While carrying the pan I can feel the heat seeping through the mitt. I quickly set it down on the counter. The cake continues to make the whole room warm and fragrant with freshly baked cake.
After my cake has cooled for a good 40 minutes, I mix up some peanut butter icing to go on top, and finish with a drizzle of chocolate syrup. I didn't use a recipe for the icing, but the ingredients are milk, peanut butter, butter, and powdered sugar. I'm sure there are plenty of different icing recipes out there on the internet, or perhaps you have you own favorite. Some say it's even good without any toppings, but personally I like it much better with.

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