My Daily Writing: September 23rd, 2015

Evidently, today is both the first day of Autumn, or as I know it better, Fall, and National Checker day. I would not have known this if it were not for the internet. It truly is a wonderful thing.

Fall has always been a so so season to me. Not much has happened during fall that I recall worth remembering. I know a lot of people who love Fall. Those people have told me their favorite season is Fall because of the beautiful colors of the trees with their leaves, and of course not to forgot pumpkin spice flavored everything. One reason I don't enjoy fall is because it's usually cold. I get cold easily and I don't like it one bit. Also, I don't care too much for pumpkin spice either.

Out of sole curiosity, I decided to do some research on Nation Checkers Day. Apparently, National checker's day is also know as "Dogs in Politics Day". Who would have known? Also, to my surprise, National Checker's Day has nothing at all to do with the popular board game, like I though it did. To be honest, I really did believe that it was a day that some famous checker game event was won. And so in memory of the winner, everyone plays checkers on this day. Boy, was I wrong.

On this day in 1952, Richard Nixon,a vice-president candidate, gave a speech addressing the concerns that the public has about of his campaign funds. The public were afraid that he was using the money in dishonest ways. He assured the public that he had not misused any of the funds, but that he was going to keep one gift, a little Cocker Spaniel named Checkers. The “Checkers speech” was a political success. Thus, National Checkers Day was created.

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