My Daily Writing: September 18th, 2015

Today is Friday. If someone asked me what my favorite day of the week is I would without a doubt tell them Friday. Why Friday you ask? Well, there are many factors as to why Friday is my favorite, as to many factors why Summer is my favorite season, and why penguins cannot fly. You probably get the point I'm trying to make now.

So, without further ado, here are a few reasons why I love Friday so:

School . Friday is the day when I'm finished or nearly finished with my school work. It's the day I can do some school but be a little lazy at the same time. If I'm not finished with school I usually use the next couple of days to finish revising my essays or continue writing them. Friday is the day I don't have to get up early the next morning. I don't have to worry about all the assignments I have due the next week.

Fun Nights. Friday night is the time when me and my sister have a sleepover with five special girls. They are like little sisters to me. We start the night out by watching movies and watching funny compilation's on YouTube. Occasionally, we will watch Hindi and Telegu music videos. Sometimes, we even do girly things like painting nails, doing henna, and putting on sarees. We all stay up late and make memories

Looking Back. Most importantly, Friday is the day when I look back at my week. I look back at what I did Monday through Thursday. I look back at all the accomplishments I made. All the things I thought I couldn't do done. From this I am able to feel good about myself. It gives me hope for the next week to come and the next after that and the next...

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