Freewriting Response (unedited): Humans Addiction to Mobile Devices

The topic I selected to freewrite about is “ I believe that humans are too addicted to mobile devices.” I feel that too many people are overly addicted to devices. I guess that they are very helpful in some ways, but they are also a hindrance. Think of what you could of done with the time you played candy crush saga or posted an Instagram picture. I feel like most people’s worlds revolve around the internet and mobile devices. Anytime I go into a restaurant or a coffee shop specifically starbucks there is bound to be people on their smartphone doing things other than calling someone. I can’t judge too much because I’m also pretty addicted to my mobile devices. I try to limit it as much as I can. But hey, I do school online so theres only so much I can limit it. Don’t get me wrong I love the internet and mobile device and the degree I’m getting has to do with them. I just think that it should be limited more. Of couse this isn’t going to happen. It’s pretty impossible. I guess limiting mobile device is a personal thing. You limit it for your benefit not others. Sometimes rarely but sometimes I wish I live back in the time when there was no internet and life was a little simpler. I feel like I’m writing a bunch of gibberish. I really hope it makes sense. This is my first time freewriting. It’s pretty fun. The sound of typing is so… whats the word? Amusing? No I can’t think of the word right now. Oh I just remembered . the sound of typing on a keyboard is so satisfying. The click click sound. Whoops, I got of topic. Smartphones and Internet is not the problem, I guess it’s the people. Just like the gun issue. Guns don’t kill, the people behind them do. 

Word Count: 317

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