My Daily Writing: September 16th, 2015

My Morning

My tablet plays music and vibrates at 7 o'clock. I set my clock early the other night, thinking I would get up early the next day and use the extra time to do whatever I want before I start school. It seemed like a good idea last night. After a few seconds of my tablet playing music and vibrating, I hear the soft sweet song it's playing. Imagine a refreshed person opening their window to the perfect summer breeze. That's what my ringtone reminds me of.

 I stop my alarm and my thought is: Is it time to wake up already? I turn over and unplug my tablet from the charger and start scrolling through my Facebook. Pictures of children, marriages, people partying, and political posts scroll past my eyes. I quickly scroll and scroll looking for something interesting until I start seeing familiar posts from the other day, then I stop.

I lay back on my back staring aimlessly at my white ceiling. On the left of me, I can hear one of my sister's snoring a little bit. I sit up a tad and see my two dogs sleeping in their beds. Somehow they heard me sit up ind bed and looked up at me. I quickly lay back down so they don't start barking.

Somehow, I end up falling back asleep. I wake up again. Both my sister are gone and out of bed, and their dogs were let out of their kennels. I sit up and look at the time on my tablet and it says 8:56. Oh crap, I woke up an hour late. Wait a minute. It's Wednesday, I get to sleep in. Woohoo! I lay back down and I can't fall asleep again. So I get up, get changed, brush my teeth and stand at my door getting ready to start my day once again.

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