My Daily Writing: October 3rd, 2015

Today is the last day I have an assigned blog post, excluding my final reflection, to write. However this does not mean that I will stop here. I'm not going to go too much into detail, or I might just end up writing my reflection right here. Instead, I want to write about life outside of earth.

In almost every media, such as movies, television, and books, there's mention of "aliens". I use aliens in quotation because I have been thinking we would be aliens to them, as they would be to us. The word can be used interchangeably. Aliens are known as completely fictional to some people and real to others. I'm not sure where my place is in that. I believe that there could or could not be other life forms, life forms that could possible be more intelligent than ourselves, or the opposite.

Some people argue that we would have seen evidence by now if aliens were real. I don't agree with that. If aliens were real, they could be so far away from earth that there is no possibility of every reaching us. If you have seen videos on how huge the universe is, you would understand what I'm talking about. Perhaps, in the future we may be able to reach.

I believe that God created the world, and it would not a bit surprise me if he made other planets other with other life forms on them. I mean think about it, if you were God, would you make more than one planet with life forms. I really big question I have that always confuses me is: Why did God make the universe so big if there's not something else out there, even if it isn't other life forms? I think it would be very cool to know about them if they were actually out there, but I'm also fine not knowing. If we are ever supposed to be in contact with aliens, I believe God would somehow make it happen. I also beieve that there are things that we couldn't possible understand, at least of right now. I just know that this world is an amazing place, and I'm very thankful He created it.

Before I end this blog, I would like to note that I am not some crazy person who goes out looking for other signs of life (not that I think those people are crazy), rather I am just a human with a brain and a large amount of curiosity.

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